BURKHARDT+WEBER has many years of experience in machining components for plastic injection moulding machines such as base frames, cylinders, clamping plates, connecting rod drives and others up to 20 tons in weight. BW is at home with the exacting requirements for stay hole gauges and clamping plate flatness, deep boreholes and high cutting volumes. The generously dimensioned machining centres offer highest positioning accuracies and best angular positions, even in the case of large dimensions. High-performance pre-machining followed by fine machining is the speciality of BW.
All of our different machine series, such as MCX, MCR or MCT are suitable for any workpiece as we design your machine individually. The focus is on the component size and accuracy, which are the most important factors.
We have developed the compact MCC series for smaller components (pallet size 630x630 mm).
After a detailed technical analysis, we will select the best combination of product and machining technology based on our established modular system to meet your specific requirements.