Modern value chains rely on intelligent, digitally networked systems. At BURKHARDT+WEBER, Industry 4.0 means linking machining centres with cutting-edge information and communication technology. Not only can the BW machine be easily interlinked, but it is also ready for digital networking in self-organised production processes.
Integrated networked production brings many advantages, such as general efficiency improvement, the production of individual workpieces in series production quality, highly chaotic production or control of the tool magazine by the machine itself. Highly automated BW systems are completely integrated into our customers' MES infrastructure.
The end-to-end digitisation of the machines generate a significant additional benefit for process optimisation. The systematic use of I/O-Link components enables all BW machines to document their entire life cycle via digital footprint and, supplemented by a digital fingerprint, allows conclusions to be drawn about the current machine condition.
With machining centres from BW you are ideally equipped to meet the digitalized future.