All machine series of BURKHARDT+WEBER are available as 5-axis version including a HV-head, an A-axis (fork head) or a rotary/tilting table. The fields of application vary from aerospace industry to standard machine building as well as manufacturers of semiconductors and optical components.Gears up to a module of 11 can be produced with Power Skiving.Our solid and precise machining centres operate in single-item, small batch and serial part production.The A-axis is equipped with a motor spindle of 12.000 min-1 designed for particularly high speeds in continuous operation and optionally has a 4 point clamping for the adaption of turning tools.The spindle nose is pulled forward to avoid collision with the workpiece and to enable the machining of complex and diagonally arranged contours. In addition, the A-axis convinces with a high feed and clamping torque of the swivel axis. The fifth axis is applicable in different variations, either as continuous CNC-axis or as a plain positioning axis. The objective is to completely machine workpieces in a single clamping operation in order to meet the increasing demands for accuracy. Finally, this reduces the fixture costs and set-up times.
The BW custom-designed rotary/tilting table is always in action when the work piece geometry makes is necessary.
The BURKHARDT+WEBER 5-axis multi-tasking machining centres enable a complete machining of workpieces with the technique of milling – turning – drilling.