Code of Conduct for Responsible Corporate Management

Business success often requires more than a good product and is based just as much on trust, reliability and also behavior with integrity.

As an internationally operating company and subsidiary of the listed ROMI S.A., the topic of compliance is of particular importance to BURKHARDT+WEBER and correspondingly complex. For us, compliance with laws and regulations is an essential basic principle of economically responsible action. National legal systems as well as political, social and cultural framework conditions must be taken into account. Our compliance management system is designed to ensure that business practices worldwide are in line with these principles, comply with applicable law and take account of ethical and moral values.

Use our Code of Conduct, which is based on internationally and nationally recognized standards of responsible corporate governance, as a guide for your daily behavior.
You can find everything else in our Code of Conduct. 

Detailed information about ROMI's Compliance Program can be found on 

In addition, stakeholders who are aware of situations, actions, facts or practices that infringe the terms of this Code of Conduct may also report them anonymously on the ROMI-website. The ROMI Whistleblowing system allows a transparent, anonymous communication and guarantees a neutral and confidential handling. Reports made through this channel will be checked by the internal auditing of Indústrias ROMI S.A. and the Ethic Committee, who examine each case adequately and guarantee the secrecy and identity of the Whistle blower to avoid any act of retaliation.

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