Albert Lorenz - needs utmost precision skills for his profession and his hobby.

Albert Lorenz, not only a faithful soul with utmost precision skills but an established part of the BW-team since 1979 and a successful and ambitioned sport shooter since exactly 40 years.

A closer follow up, instantly shows that there are remarkable parallels between his hobby and profession. Albert Lorenz works as precise as Swiss clockwork (or a BW-machine) and streaks himself from one tournament victory to the next, summing up to 55-60 competitions a year. Peak periods involve training sessions of five times per week, whereas mental training and endurance are part of the program. “Mental training is important to develop a good physical feeling and to visualize inner target visions”, says Albert Lorenz. He presently participates at nine different disciplines and was vice champion of Württemberg a couple of years ago.

This precision and sensibility is also needed in his daily work as deputy leader of the commissioning department. Not only by achieving our customers’ tolerance requests but also dealing with different cultures and nationalities. After more than 35 years abroad operations in countries like Russia, India and China, he remains in balance easily. This patience and calmness have an impact at the shooting stand. Albert Lorenz enjoys sharing his experience with young people. He is a committee member in his club “Schützengilde Reutlingen 1290 e.V.” and has trained youngsters in the past. His personal credo is: “Tradition is not to preserve the ashes but to pass on the flame" (Thomas Morus). And so proves Lorenz to burn for his job and hobby every day.